Food | Source |
Couple half-eaten pieces of pizza, found yesterday on mission st. Pretty yum. | |
Canned mixed vegetables on (I realized while I was eating it) partially moldy bread. 0/10. Was hungry after attempting to eat this one. Veggies I found yesterday on the street by my house, and the bread was from the Duboce Park Cafe dumpster yesterday. The lemon was from by sfai. | |
The aftermath of "eating" that sandwich. At least the lemon juice soaked bread was OK. | |
The family lunch looked delicious in comparison. | |
There were even birthday cake and pie and ice cream. | |
Some really great orange juice that was being thrown away. | Drank half a gallon on the drive home which kept my blood sugar high and made me less hungry. |
Birite pasta Salad (picture down below) | Yum dinner from a trash can at Dolores. |
Today I woke up really sore after 9+ hours of sleep and 20 miles yesterday. I did some stretching but my ankles were still super stiff. The sleep worked though and by the end of the day I'm feeling great. The main activity of today was a family funciton in the South Bay, which included some nice long driving time (naptime), and saying no to some delicious looking salmon, asparagus, cake, and pie. I was pretty hungry at that lunch because my packed food was not quite adequate or delicious.
When I got home in the late afternoon I headed out to Clement street. I remembered that all the produce shops closed around 5pm and was hoping to get in their "throw out bad food on the sidewalk window." Turns out my recollection all comes from weekdays (workdays) and the street was still relatively busy. I did score some killer finds from compost bins (great fruit for tomorrow's smoothie, enough pastries for a few days), though the one dumpster I really hoped to get to was behind barbed wire.
With it being such a nice day I dropped my stuff at home, cleaned and put the new finds in the freezer, and biked out to Dolores park. There were tons of picnicers! I scored some chips and canned food and some weird looks. It would be worth going back there later tonight or super early tomorrow morning to see what's left, because the trash monitoring people were wrapping up around the time I got there.
Today I worried quite a bit about protein sources. With all the running I want to be doing I need some protein for adequate recovery. I even considered eating this "KEEP FROZEN" chicken parmesean but it smelled SOO bad inside that I knew I couldn't.
Overall I have a good store of carb-calories (pastries, chips) and plant protein (hellla beans) and acoutrement veggies (bell pepper, radishes). I'm definitely relying more on the dumpster finds than I thought, because the caloric density of plants just is not worth the effort to go find them. I decided today that I'm going to use olive oil, salt, and pepper from my kitchen to make the food palletable starting tomorrow. I figure that using those things (which cost maybe 2$ for the amount I'll use total through this week) will keep my electrolytes up and enable me to cook things that don't end up being disgusting.
Day 1 Friday | Day 2 Saturday | Day 3 Sunday | Day 4 Monday | Day 5 Tuesday | Day 6 Wednesday | Day 7 Thursday | Day 8 Friday |
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