Day 3 Sunday

NEW Route and Join me day of! running info

What I ate today:

  • rolled pastry with raisins
  • Roasted potatoes with rosemary, olive oil, salt (part 1 and 2)
  • Corn, bean, pepper with olive oil, salt, pepper, and wild onions for lunch
  • 2 chocolates
  • Chips when I got home
  • Jane veggie sandwich but just the insides
  • 2 glasses of milk which mom said smelled funky but I thought smelled OK
  • Jane bread x2 with beans and salt (toasted)
  • Peach from night foraging
  • Cheese and crackers

What I found today:

pasta w condesnation ew
  • suspicious looking pasta alfredo on top of a trash can
  • milk that is still cold and expires tomorrow!
apple tree
  • 4 apples from this person's tree that was reachable from the sidewalk, and 1 lemon from nearby
  • 4 trader joes acai bowls still frozen in their dumpster
sooo many pastries
  • 10 lbs of pastries from Jane the Bakery with Mason's reconassaince
fruits and veggies
  • peaches, both white and yellow
  • red bell pepper
  • cucumber
  • jalapeno
  • tomatoes, both roma and heirloom
  • mushrooms
  • honeydew melon

What I did today and how I'm feeling

Last night I had dreams about finding half a pizza intact but with no cheese on it, and being so thrilled at the find and a little appalled that somebody ordered a pizza without cheese. Also in this dream was me being overjoyed at finding a bunch of bagels sealed in a dumpster. Both my subconcious and my actual reality engaged self are enjoying this challenge!

I had a breakfast of a pastry and potatoes I cooked with rosemary (foraged) and salt and oil (kitchen). It didn't feel particularly balanced, but the warm, crispy potatoes were yum.


I made a trip to the east bay, and I, in my backpack and hiking attire, fit right in at UC Berkeley. I went into the dining hall to use the bathroom and realized it would be so easy to forage from there. They must have a ton of food waste! But even then, a bunch of kids would leave plates of food on the tables when they left. I didn't end up eating anything from there but did find a plate of pasta on top of a trash can. It seemed a bit suspicious, but I took it in case I couldn't find anything else to eat. Later today I composted it, which felt like the right call because it seemed so perfect for bacteria to breed in.

brought my lunch from home to eat in the grass. This beans/corn/pepper/wild onion combo was great!

corn, beans, foraged onions, bell pepper for lunch in the grass

One reality of not buying any food is that I don't have access to areas of the world that require the purchase of food. For instance, I couldn't go get some work done at a coffee shop for a change of scenery from my room, because I woulnd't buy and consume coffee. I also realized today that this challenge is made easier by the fact that I don't drink coffee or tea as a habit, so I'm not missing out on anything I usually eat.

I caught a whiff of my backpack on BART and it smells like compost. I wondered if maybe I smell a little like compost too.

While I was in Berkeley I found time and time again that people don’t know how to sort their waste!! I saw styrofoam in the green bin and was so disappointed.

ugh unsorted waste

While walking home from BART, I passed by my original composted banana spot (Haight/Fillmore). The milk I found in the trash was still a little bit cold from being in the fridge and had a condensation on it. Yay! The trash can it was in was in the shade. It’s probably pasteurized. It’ll be fine. (Later, my mom said it smelled funky. We'll see if I get sick.)

When I was out again, I found perfect apples in this random backyard where I can lean over the fence. It was a juicy, cold, crisp, sweet, and tart apple. Now all I want is some cheddar to pair with it.

I had a really good dinner!! Jane the Bakery veggie sandwich (but I only ate the veggies because the bread was super soggy), beans on toast, which was also from jane the bakery

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