What I ate today:

Meal Photo



Bruschetta toast



Banana bread

Blackberries while walking

Vegetable bread??

Cheesy scone

Peaches x2


Veggie soup with: creole seasoning (found today), tomato, wild onions, carrot, green and red bell pepper, rice noodles (found today), salt, olive oil, pepper.


Had a pastry for dessert

What I did today and how I'm feeling

Today I ran, went to the doctor, completed some travel-related tasks, took the dog on a long wandering walk (where she did some of her own foraging, including a gopher head that was endless entertainment until suddenly it was a snack), took myself on a 3 mile time walk with 20lbs in my backpack, and cooked a good soup. It is strange not being in school or working this week!

I didn’t do any explicit excursion to go foraging, but I did find some food along my way: blackberries while walking the dog, and noodles, seasoning, fortune cookies (2), and a bag of chips.

I am pleasantly surprised by the fact that I gathered enough food over the weekend to not have to think about gathering more today. Today my dad bet me 20$ that I can’t finish the 6lb can of beans I collected, and my mom sent me a picture of the lunch she “foraged with her credit card.” Both made me laugh. I’m excited that I could go out of this challenge *making* money, having spent 0$ on food this whole time.

I’m a bit concerned about my shin splints and knees for the run on Friday (and then starting a journey walking 400+ miles 4 days later). I’m icing and taking ibuprofen and doing extra stretches tonight so that I can go out for a nice long slow distance run tomorrow while buying food for a family picnic. Then I’ll not run (but keep doing PT and stretching) for Wednesday and Thursday, in prep for the big run on Friday.

For the Friday run, I am going to make some smoothies I can eat on the way. I’ve got the acai bowls and some frozen mango. I’m planning to go forage some more apples and lemons and also bring apple slices. Then I’ve got pastries and beans, which are going to be less palatable on the run.

If you’ve got any feedback for the blog, questions about this challenge, or ideas of places I should forage, send me a text! I’d love to hear it.

Misses from Today

While I was walking, I saw these. I realized they might be Somebody’s Green Beans, so I didn’t take them.

I was hoping to have this avocado with dinner but it turned out to be Not Good. That's happening sometimes but it doesn't feel bad at all to compost stuff that I don't want to eat..since it was trash before I decided it was food.

Daily updates:

Day 1 Friday Day 2 Saturday Day 3 Sunday Day 4 Monday Day 5 Tuesday Day 6 Wednesday Day 7 Thursday Day 8 Friday

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