Day 6! Wednesday!

What I Ate Today:


Lemon bread from the compost at Jane
Orange juice from the side of the road


Beans! From the 6 lb can on Divis
Tomato from the HSM compost, and toast from Jane
Muffin, later on, from the trash can on Clement


Foraged nacho cheese dip and chips from the concertgoers
Some pizza that was going to be thrown away from backstage

What I did today and how I'm feeling

Shin splints are not doing great, but running after a thorough warm up this morning wasn’t too painful. I did a mile of strides, running one way down the block and walking back.

I’m not feeling great, physically or mentally. Food nourishment isn’t just for your body but for your mind too. Calories are calories but the ritual of preparing food and eating a meal together is quite important to me, and something I didn’t get to do today.

I spent most of the day trying to get the Prusa Mk2 (3D printer) back up and running, in meetings, and a job interview.

I did some great rest-ice-compression-elevation routine which was interrupted in the afternoon by a nice walk with Owen on the phone.

Tonight Amelia and Nick played a great set but the best part was all the food that people left behind. Backstage there were a bunch of pizzas that were destined for a compost bin. Earlier I saw a huge bin of burritos (probably for the organizer people!) and on the way out I think I spotted the pile of leftovers.

I found some intact nacho cheese sauce which paired nicely with some tortilla chips. Then I found half a burrito which was neatly wrapped. When I brought these backstage a security guy warned me about getting tuberculosis from eating them.

I wasn’t worried about it in the moment but I just googled it! Welp. It’s an air- and food-borne disease that spreads easily in dense living situations. It causes lesions! Gross.

Huh. And according to my little UCSF medical app I’m due for a tuberculosis screening. I haven’t been worrying about disease or sickness at all through this week - just figuring that people are throwing away food because it’s about to spoil or they didn’t want it. Should I be more concerned? Maybe. Either way I didn’t eat the burrito because it was only rice and beans, and I was looking for protein! Into the compost it went. I will eat a Nature Valley bar I found on the ground while on my run though! That makes for 4 bars I have for that - which along with some fruit should be some nice to eat food while on the run.

While the concert tonight was awesome and cathartic in many ways, I kept my dancing to a minimum. I figure I have a finite number of pain-free steps, so I’m trying to walk delicately.

I’m looking forward to another nice icing session tonight and sleeping in tomorrow.

Good fuel for while running

Only beans and rice?? C'mon...

I ate their leftovers

Found chips and nacho cheese dip!!

What a great show!!

Dad checked out my blog while we were there. "What does Samsara mean??"

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