What I ate today:

Food Source
breakfast: beans and toast
Lunch: pastries (the weird flat one was a miss, took a bite and it tasted like leeks!)
misc snacks while on the forage with Fuzzy!
Dinner: Dad owes me 20$ because I cooked off the last of the beans with rosemary and wild onion, and had with a colorful (but bitter!) salad of radish greens and radishes and lemonjuice-olive oil dressing.

What I did today and how I'm feeling

It’s incredible that I have been living for the last week on food that cost 0$. Today is my last full foraging day as I’m going to run on foraged food tomorrow but have cake at the end and (energy pending) go to dinner for my birthday with fam.

My shins aren’t feeling great but I’m going to try to run tomorrow. So I’ll be out there at least from 5:30 for a few hours! Vivi is going to bike with me and keep an eye out for if I’m not doing so hot.

The shin routine was thorough of icing and exercises today, and on an afternoon walk with Fuzzy (more on that later) it didn’t hurt much, to the point where I felt I might be able to run pain free (maybe..).

I read a good chunk of today, trying to finish “There There” before I leave on Sunday because for the first time ever I’m not bringing a book traveling. I also set up my Garmin (thanks sibs!!) and the APRS mapping. APRS seems super solid, so I’m going to use that. You can go to and search “bananasf” - my symbol is yellow.

Fuzzy (cousin, nickname) and I went for a nice walk foraging in the Presidio. She and her partner do a lot of looking for mushrooms and fruits. We got strawberry tree fruits (strawberry madrona) and blackberries and wild radishes (and greens - I’m going to eat a salad tonight!!), and nasturtium flowers. So much edible yum in the Presidio. She also shared some fun nature facts - apparently poison oak grows where the land has been extra disturbed, so it’s like the forest is protecting the rest of the plants with the poison oak. The more you know!

The salad was OK - limited dressing options (olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper what what I had) meant that it wasn’t super palatable. What I really wanted was the baby kale salad from ragazza!! Maybe tomorrow ;).

Preparations for tomorrow!

here's all the food I'm bringing with me (thanks vivi for carrying the backpack! No crowbar this time, so you'll hopefully have a better time than Evan and I did on the last run.

I put a teaspoon of salt into orange juice which felt vile but will be good electrolytes

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